Promoting Responsible Business by BMOs – Issue VI

Promoting Responsible Business by BMOs – Issue VI

The “Responsible Indian BMOs” Award Programme celebrates its successful sixth year, with 150 BMOs from 18 states participating. While detailing fifteen exemplary cases, we acknowledge the commendable efforts of all applicants in promoting responsible production. Empowering intermediary organizations, including BMOs at various levels, is crucial for effectively disseminating the message of “Responsible Production” to India’s vast MSME sector. We extend gratitude to Shri B. B Swain, Hon’ble Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GoI, for gracing the event as Chief Guest, underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts in fostering sustainable practices within the industry.
    • Business Management Organisations (BMOs)
Published by: FMC, SIDBI,FNF

Year of publication: 2022

Number of pages: 45