Promoting Responsible Business by BMOs – Issue IV
Issues related to responsible growth have also emerged as an area of critical importance and has got national importance with the announcement of Zero Effect Zero Defect (ZED) growth path and equally impor- tantly with the resolve of the global community in the form of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in particular SDG 8 (promoting decent work) and SDG 12 (promoting responsible consumption and production). However, it is but natural that given the enormous pressure of handling various aspects of business, almost always, sustainability challenges appear as a cost which is in need of further time and resources commitment. It is here, that conglomeration of MSMEs and entrepreneurs, which are historically the most trusted ally of the MSMEs, can play a significant role by demonstrating the scope of sustainable development and even working out means through which MSMEs can attain sustainability. Such conglomerations are also known as Business Membership Organizations (BMOs).